


Use the power of emotions to understand your people, connect your teams and grow your culture. The research is clear. Leaders and workplaces that embrace emotions at work and focus on how they want their team to feel are those that unleash the true potential of their people.

Through our workshops, you can decide what you want your workplace culture to be and we’ll develop an action plan to get you started.

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel”

– Maya Angelou

ECD Emotional Leadership Development Certification Course

Become a Certified Emotional Culture Deck Leadership Practitioner 

This course is designed to enhance leadership development by equipping leaders with the tools to understand and manage emotional drivers and dynamics within themselves, their people and their teams. The course focuses on developing emotionally aware leaders who can effectively foster a positive workplace culture. Leaders will engage in practical activities that promote self-awareness, team cohesion, and emotional intelligence, all grounded in The Emotional Culture Deck framework.

Leaders gain more than just knowledge with this course. They’ll also receive a toolkit of valuable resources designed to support their growth and success including a certificate of practice, ECD specialist course badge, online toolkit and 90 days access to the exclusive online community where they can continue their learning journey.

If you don’t have enough leaders to run an in-house course check out the events page to sign up for the next public workshop.

Duration: One day, or two half days, or 4 x 2 hour sessions

  • Delivery Options
  • Remote
  • In person
Time Duration
6-8 hours
Service Type

Leading Through Change Programme

Learning to lead others through change effectively requires self-awareness, agility of mind, personal resilience, emotional intelligence and an understanding around the typical responses and reactions to expect during periods of change, and this is where the content of the MiND.U ‘Leading Through Change’ programme focuses.

Consisting of 3 x 2.5-3 hour workshops – delivered either virtually or in person over a 3 to 6 week period, this programme provides the knowledge and tools to set leaders up to lead themselves and their teams through the rollercoaster of change.

–              Workshop 1: Wellbeing and resilience through change

–              Workshop 2: Leading through the emotions of change

–              Workshop 3:  Focusing on what matters most when leading change

Each workshop can be delivered on its own, or together as a programme as each one builds on the last, with space in-between where leaders are given questions for self-reflection and call to-action prompts that help embed knowledge and build leadership accountability.

Workshop 1 is beneficial for all staff, not only leaders

  • Delivery Options
  • Remote
  • In person
Time Duration
3-6 weeks
Service Type

Leading Through the Emotions of Change Workshop

Change is inevitable and it continues to come in waves thicker and faster than ever. All leaders need the skills to lead change, influence through change and honour the emotions people feel during change. In this workshop, we’ll explore the emotional side of change and develop a change canvas to help set you up for success. Learn how to become a better leader, and support and empower your team to ensure change sticks.

  • Delivery Options
  • Remote
  • In person
Time Duration
3 hours
Service Type

Emotional Culture Leadership Workshop

Explore and learn about the role emotion plays in culture, leadership and high performing teams. Define how you want your people to feel and the environment you believe needs creating to enable this. This workshop is designed to bring your leaders together, help them create better connections and understanding between themselves and their people, and nudge them to develop and grow.

  • Delivery Options
  • Remote
  • In person
Time Duration
4 hours
Service Type

Coaching Packages

Our mentoring and coaching services centre around

  • leading through change
  • emotional leadership
  • emotional culture crafting
  • wellbeing at work

We provide personal coaching for a limited number of clients that are committed to developing and understanding themselves better.

  • Delivery Options
  • Remote
  • In person
Time Duration
50 minute sessions
Service Type

Change leadership

Change is as much a way of being as a way of doing. As facilitators, we help you set up the mindset, capability and approach to land and navigate change, so the good stuff sticks without the unwanted baggage.

Read more

Mindful leadership

Mindful leaders make it a priority for their people to feel heard and respected. This kind of leadership presence has a tangible quality; you’ve no doubt seen it and experienced it in others.

Read more


“This was a great way to break the technical and theory mode and get to the heart of people-centred change. LOVED IT!”

Previous Workshop Participant
Leading Through the Emotions of Change

“It was a good reminder that emotion does play an everyday part in our roles as leaders and it gave some real tangible skills in dealing with it.”

Previous Workshop Participant
Emotional Culture for Leaders Workshop

“This workshop is a ‘must do’ for anyone in a leadership role or P&C role. The beauty of it is in the simplicity of its execution, anyone can facilitate this with their teams. It is the ‘swiss army knife’ of people and performance tools”

Previous Workshop Participant
Emotional Culture Leadership Workshop

“The Emotional Culture Deck is a great way of building the foundations of trust within a team as well as building relationships and understanding of other team members/peers. Excellent facilitator and content. Think the workshop will genuinely take the team forward.”

Previous Workshop Participant
Emotional Culture Leadership Workshop

Get in touch

Are you ready to mindfully transform your experience of leadership and embed lasting positive change in your organisation? Get in touch to find out more.

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